
Memento mori – Remember death

13 February 2016

As the original texts are written in Turkish, English translation is provided for non-Turkish readers. The author apologizes in advance for any and all possible changes and losses in meaning due to translation.

Death is inevitable for all living things. It is strange that despite the inevitability, we must constantly remind ourselves of death. This includes everyone without exception. Regardless of power or position… Ancient philosophers said “memento mori” to those who forgot about this absolute truth. In other words, “remember death, remember that you are mortal…”

I was very impressed when I first read it. According to the historians, the victorious generals of wars in ancient Rome used to wear a crown often made of oak leaves, called corona civica, at the triumph parades in the streets of Rome. Over time, the use of this crown was restricted with emperors only. On this occasion, I learned that the crown of the well-known Roman Emperor Julius Caesar was a corona civica. At the ceremonies, one of the duties of the slaves holding this crown above the victorious and proud generals’ heads was whispering “memento mori” into the ears of the generals. Most probably, the same phrase was whispered into the ear of the future Roman Emperor, the proud and victorious Roman commander Caesar.

Who knows how often Caesar, who accomplished many achievements, conquests and reforms, recalled his death throughout this process. The Roman Republic, borders of which he expanded, became an Empire by the time of his death and continued to grow and expand. Today we travel around the Roman Empire’s memory and remnants spread over three continents.

It is possible to see many similar examples in business life. There is an increasing number of examples of initiatives that have been created with small investments that develop with the right timing and smart strategies, and even “grow prodigiously”. Those who have a share in this success also show up in the business world like a proud Roman general. Among all the applause and praise, it is not hard to be under the illusion that power and glory will last forever. And there is no one whispering them “Remember that you are mortal.”…

However, remembering death does not interfere with living the day. Rather, it reminds us that power, position and everything is transitory. With the hope that it becomes our lifelong instructor and guide: “Memento mori!”

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