As the original texts are written in Turkish, English translation is provided for non-Turkish readers. The author apologizes in advance for any and all possible changes and losses in meaning due to translation.
Written in 3 different languages 2,200 years ago and having become even more important when used as a code breaker to decipher the hieroglyph, the Rosetta Stone is once again coming to the fore with the Rosetta Space Mission, which enables landing on a comet for the first time ever.
Rosetta Spacecraft is expected to land on the “67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Comet” at 18:00 local time in Turkey. The module Philae, which is connected to the spacecraft, will transmit extraordinary information about what used to be considered as a “doomsayer” for centuries – a comet! Having dreamed of “flying on a cannonball” in 1700s with Baron von Münchhausen and travelling to the Moon in late 1800s with Jules Verne, mankind today, in the age of technology and data, moves rapidly on the road to expanding its knowledge on the galaxy. Such information, which I believe will astonish us all, is certainly very valuable in terms of understanding the galaxy and our source of energy – the sun.
In addition to landing on a comet, Rosetta is also a very striking example of how visionary and long-term thinking can lead to concrete results. The question is, when will our country take part in this visionary approach?
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