
Modus Vivendi (I Respect You)

7 August 2015

As the original texts are written in Turkish, English translation is provided for non-Turkish readers. The author apologizes in advance for any and all possible changes and losses in meaning due to translation.

We live in a very beautiful country, on fertile lands, within a mosaic of different cultures, and with a young and dynamic population. However, unfortunately, the pessimistic approach rooted in our culture sometimes veils these beauties. We focus on negative news and issues, thus ignoring positive sides. Plus, we quickly forget everything (especially the good things). Of course, the busy agenda of our country is a major reason for relying only upon our short-term memory. The agenda sometimes changes radically within a few days, news become outdated rapidly, and priority of issues to be resolved varies. Yet, despite all, it is important that we maintain our objective approach and see the good in bad. Focusing only on problems, approaching them subjectively and disregarding everybody and everything else will take us nowhere.

That is why Modus Vivendi is very important. Our opinions, beliefs or lifestyles may be completely different from others. But civilizations and democracy will grow thanks to individuals that respect others’ lifestyles. I believe that we should let young people -especially generations Y and Z- pioneer us because they know how important diversity is. In a world where customization matters in every area -from technology to medicine, education to industry- none of us needs to be exactly the same with the others. Our differences, dissidence, and diversity are very valuable. And we will become even richer as long as we respect differences. Modus Vivendi!

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