2019 – Hüseyin Gelis https://gelis.org Mon, 20 May 2019 08:23:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 Happy New Year… https://gelis.org/en/2018/12/28/happy-new-year/ https://gelis.org/en/2018/12/28/happy-new-year/#respond Fri, 28 Dec 2018 11:00:29 +0000 https://gelis.org/?p=1063 As the original texts are written in Turkish, English translation is provided for non-Turkish readers. The author apologizes in advance for any and all possible changes and losses in meaning due to translation.

2019 is only a few days away. I believe that every year-end is an important opportunity to look back and evaluate past actions, to take a look at the roadmap, and to determine the next steps.

The year we are leaving behind has been economically and politically challenging both for Turkey and for the world. Yes, it wasn’t an easy year, but as a “Turkish company with German roots” that has been operating in Turkey for 162 years, we continue to take firm steps with the trust and love we have for our country. As in previous years, we implemented many projects that contribute to the Turkish economy in 2018 and we put our signature under leading investments in our areas of operation.

2018 has also been important in terms of the development of the relations between Germany and Turkey. Since the launch of our operations in Turkey in 1856, we, as Siemens, have always took part in large-scale projects and firsts, while also playing an active role in Germany-Turkey relations. Today, we continue to pay attention to fulfilling our duties to reinforce the ties between the two countries.

The cooperation between Turkey and Germany is based upon strong economic foundations and has a huge potential for growth. I am very happy to see that following a short period of problems, relations have recently reached a much better point. For instance, earlier this year, Siemens AG CEO Joe Kaeser visited Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. In April, we had the opportunity to visit Siemens Training Center in Berlin together with Mr. Berat Albayrak, then Minister of Energy and today’s Minister of Treasury and Finance. During this visit, he stated that “Germany is an indispensable partner for Turkey”.

The best proof of this statement was the BRICA Summit held in İstanbul, hosted by the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD) with support from Siemens Turkey. Many world leaders came together in İstanbul for the BRICA Summit. We are preparing to provide innovative and digital technologies to the projects to be implemented within this scope in the coming period. By supporting successful, open, and fair international cooperation, we will continue to contribute to our country.

Yes, 2018 has been a challenging year not only for our country, but for the whole world. 2019 will also bring along its own challenges. However, let me tell you this: During my 40 years at Siemens, I have worked in seven different countries and faced many challenges and crises. Throughout this time, I have experienced how important it is to think in the long term, to cooperate, and to treasure people. I believe that we have successfully adopted this approach at Siemens Turkey by focusing on long-term plans. Within these 162 years, we have always believed in our country through thick and thin. We know very well that Turkey also trusts in Siemens.

With these positive feelings and opinions, I can’t wait to achieve many more successes in 2019 with the power of trust and love.

May 2019 bring you the best of everything.

Happy New Year!

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