Celebration – Hüseyin Gelis https://gelis.org Fri, 27 Dec 2019 11:15:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 My aphorism for the year ending and the new beginning: https://gelis.org/en/2019/12/27/my-aphorism-for-the-year-ending-and-the-new-beginning/ https://gelis.org/en/2019/12/27/my-aphorism-for-the-year-ending-and-the-new-beginning/#respond Fri, 27 Dec 2019 11:15:26 +0000 https://gelis.org/?p=2972 As the original texts are written in Turkish, English translation is provided for non-Turkish readers. The author apologizes in advance for any and all possible changes and losses in meaning due to translation.

Throughout the history of humankind, our species has always found something to celebrate. Religious celebrations, anniversaries, national or global festivals and many more.

Why are we doing this? I am sure there are many psychological and sociological reasons, but the quintessential need is to have a PAUSE, a moment to shake us up and remind us of the important aspects of our existence. It is also a moment to share and CARE as a community, family, citizen of the world, and an important opportunity to think beyond ourselves.

Well, let’s all remember this aspect of celebrations as we wish the best for the upcoming festivities – whatever they might be. And in particular, let’s hope that the NEW YEAR 2020 will bring happiness, health and prosperity to each of us, our communities and the world.

Happy holidays!

https://gelis.org/en/2019/12/27/my-aphorism-for-the-year-ending-and-the-new-beginning/feed/ 0
Being a father means being a compass for children in every phase of life https://gelis.org/en/2016/07/19/being-a-father-means-being-a-compass-for-children-in-every-phase-of-life/ https://gelis.org/en/2016/07/19/being-a-father-means-being-a-compass-for-children-in-every-phase-of-life/#respond Tue, 19 Jul 2016 08:18:20 +0000 https://gelis.org/?p=1032 As the original texts are written in Turkish, English translation is provided for non-Turkish readers. The author apologizes in advance for any and all possible changes and losses in meaning due to translation.

“Baba” (father) is a word that means and sounds the same in Turkish, Persian, Sanskrit, and Chinese, and it is also used in Western languages with slight differences. Although this word is the same or similar in many languages, as a part of the changes we go through, the meaning of being a father is changing.

Fathers are no longer simply responsible for making money, they have many other responsibilities as well. If we adopt and implement change and diversity in every aspect of our lives and assume various responsibilities, we can set better examples to our children. Thus, they will also assume different roles in their lives and be more successful in the changing world. Being a father means being a compass for children in every phase of life…

I celebrate this special day of fathers and respectfully commemorate the ones who passed away, but entrusted their selfless, disciplined, hardworking children to us and to our country.

Happy Father’s Day!

https://gelis.org/en/2016/07/19/being-a-father-means-being-a-compass-for-children-in-every-phase-of-life/feed/ 0
About the importance and the meaning of 29 October Republic Day https://gelis.org/en/2015/10/29/about-the-importance-and-the-meaning-of-29-october-republic-day/ https://gelis.org/en/2015/10/29/about-the-importance-and-the-meaning-of-29-october-republic-day/#respond Thu, 29 Oct 2015 12:58:20 +0000 https://gelis.org/?p=1065 As the original texts are written in Turkish, English translation is provided for non-Turkish readers. The author apologizes in advance for any and all possible changes and losses in meaning due to translation.

92 years have passed since the declaration of the Republic of Turkey on 29 October 1923. As the first step of the reconstitution process of Turkey, the Republic made its way through many stages, by learning and developing, during these 92 years. It grew while developing, increasing its population from 14 million to 80 million.

As emphasized by Atatürk as “Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the nation”, the Republic regards every individual who makes up the 80 million as equals and values each individual’s freedom and vital rights above all.

Even though we cannot celebrate the Republic Day with enthusiasm and joy on today’s sad environment, I believe that we should comprehend it better by thinking more about its importance and meaning.

I, once again, would like to underline that it is the greatest responsibility for us to carry our country further by working hard, focusing on production, and protecting the values of our Republic. Happy October 29 Republic Day!

https://gelis.org/en/2015/10/29/about-the-importance-and-the-meaning-of-29-october-republic-day/feed/ 0
We should celebrate the youth and next generations every day https://gelis.org/en/2015/05/19/we-should-celebrate-the-youth-and-next-generations-every-day/ https://gelis.org/en/2015/05/19/we-should-celebrate-the-youth-and-next-generations-every-day/#respond Tue, 19 May 2015 08:30:41 +0000 https://gelis.org/?p=1037 As the original texts are written in Turkish, English translation is provided for non-Turkish readers. The author apologizes in advance for any and all possible changes and losses in meaning due to translation.

May 19th Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day has a very important meaning to me: Hope. It is impossible to live without hope. Life means constant problem-solving and after every problem we solve, we are faced with another one. This is the same in both social and business life. We may not solve each problem the way we like, yet we must keep our hope for younger generations. It is our responsibility to leave a better and livable world to future generations and thus they can live in a better world and leave it as a legacy to next generations.

For the very reason, we, in fact, should celebrate our greatest value -the youth and future generations- every day. We are grateful to great leaders such as Atatürk for reminding us of them and such days.

https://gelis.org/en/2015/05/19/we-should-celebrate-the-youth-and-next-generations-every-day/feed/ 0
How does a company reach its 160th year? https://gelis.org/en/2015/03/16/how-does-a-company-reach-its-160th-year/ https://gelis.org/en/2015/03/16/how-does-a-company-reach-its-160th-year/#respond Mon, 16 Mar 2015 09:33:15 +0000 https://gelis.org/?p=532 As the original texts are written in Turkish, English translation is provided for non-Turkish readers. The author apologizes in advance for any and all possible changes and losses in meaning due to translation.

As Siemens, next year we will celebrate our 160th anniversary in Turkey. Such a long history for a company is rare not only on these lands, but also in the world. How does a company reach its 160th year? In other words, how does it manage to serve through generations?

The first answer to this question is trust. Trust and sustainability are actually the basis of success. As you know, the real value of the word “brand” derives from the “promise” it makes. We have always managed to keep the promises of our brand and never failed our customers.

There are other factors as well: Always offering the latest technology and serving with high motivation. These are the most important factors that kept Siemens in Turkey for almost two centuries – from 1856 to today.

And another remarkable factor is “adaptability”. Many things have changed in Turkey in the last 160 years. The regime changed from Empire to the Republic. Generations have changed, names have changed. Our administrative structures have changed. But as Siemens, we were able to adapt to every situation and provide the appropriate services required for the day. This is directly related to being both a global and local company.

Today, there is a wonderful phrase I have been told about our company: “Yes, we know Siemens: It is a Turkish company with German origins.” I am very pleased about this. And we will work hard to make all the factors that create this perception more sustainable. We trust our country.

For further reading: www.gelis.org/ulkemize-guvenmek

https://gelis.org/en/2015/03/16/how-does-a-company-reach-its-160th-year/feed/ 0