Location – Hüseyin Gelis https://gelis.org Mon, 20 May 2019 12:18:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 “Formality” or “Informality”? https://gelis.org/en/2015/12/23/formality-or-informality/ https://gelis.org/en/2015/12/23/formality-or-informality/#respond Wed, 23 Dec 2015 11:19:12 +0000 https://gelis.org/?p=563 As the original texts are written in Turkish, English translation is provided for non-Turkish readers. The author apologizes in advance for any and all possible changes and losses in meaning due to translation.

I guess the form of addressing others was not a problem in the past. There were already the usual titles used within the family. In the business world, within the framework of the general courtesy rules adopted at that time, the individuals mostly addressed each other formally regardless of the hierarchical structure. Over time, the rules were bent and informality stepped in.
This caused a dilemma. Executives who are senior in terms of age or hierarchy often address their subordinates informally. However, it is not so common for subordinates to address their superiors in the same way. Of course, especially in global companies, the forms of addressing have increasingly become less rigid, but informal addressing of subordinates to their superiors does not seem to become widespread.

When I ask the professionals around me about this addressing issue that is exercised particularly from superiors to subordinates, I received replies such as “to create a friendly atmosphere”. Is this the real reason or do we actually mean “know your place”? In other words, as executives, do we not consider younger people or our colleagues at different levels in the hierarchy to be at our level?

We all say that we believe in young people and diversity, and we always motivate and support our human resources. But during this process, do we give them another message through our forms of addressing?

What do you think about this issue?

https://gelis.org/en/2015/12/23/formality-or-informality/feed/ 0
“3 Hints Series”. First topic: ‘Career Change’ https://gelis.org/en/2013/08/23/3-hints-series-first-topic-career-change/ https://gelis.org/en/2013/08/23/3-hints-series-first-topic-career-change/#respond Fri, 23 Aug 2013 15:05:09 +0000 https://gelis.org/?p=503 As the original texts are written in Turkish, English translation is provided for non-Turkish readers. The author apologizes in advance for any and all possible changes and losses in meaning due to translation.

People who consider making important changes in their life, usually are lost in finding the right questions (hence answers) before taking the right step for a change. With the following  ‘3 Hints Series’  I will publish life and business experiences in a clear-cut format to focus on essential topics. The idea of this series comes from my children who are always challenging me with topics relating to ”the devil is in the detail”.  Naturally growing up with the Social Media, Generation Z like to come to the point quickly without getting into the details.

The first topic ‘Career Change’  is quite important for everyone, but particularly for the young generation. What are the essentials when starting a career or changing jobs?

1) Challenge: A job should provide excitement, recognition, future prospects.
2) Location: It should be acceptable for the entire family and meet one’s standards.
3) Compensation: Although not the key aspect, it should be motivating, fair and provide flexibility.

If all three aspects are met , being successful depends on your individual approach and commitment!

https://gelis.org/en/2013/08/23/3-hints-series-first-topic-career-change/feed/ 0