Sustainability – Hüseyin Gelis Fri, 13 Sep 2019 12:33:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Opera: Throughout the 21 Years Fri, 13 Sep 2019 12:06:33 +0000 As the original texts are written in Turkish, English translation is provided for non-Turkish readers. The author apologizes in advance for any and all possible changes and losses in meaning due to translation.

We, as Siemens have been operating in Turkey for more than 160 years, which is astonishingly a long time. We have always planned for a long-term presence in Turkey and worked accordingly. Also based our sustainability approach on this framework. Prior to the launch out of a project, we always contemplate on how to develop it in the long run; since rather than one-time support, initiating a project, growing it, taking it to different levels, improving its scope and value are important to us. Siemens Opera Contest that has become a traditional event is a good example to this approach; it started from scratch and within these 21 years it touched and continues to touch the lives of tens of opera singers who performed on world stages.

While launching and continuing the project, our premise has always been this: There are many talented young people and artists in Turkey. Trying to create opportunities for these young people on various platforms has been our main source of motivation and enthusiasm.

I believe that the phenomenon of “brand” is another important aspect. Building a brand and sustaining its reputation requires great time and effort. When these young opera singers successfully represent Turkey abroad, they are actually performing on behalf of Turkey and add great value to the brand of Turkey.

In my now more than 43 years with Siemens, I worked in 7 different countries. Every country has its dynamics and every country has unique musical, economic, and political rhythms. But what has always fascinated me the most is how different instruments may bring people together. These instruments can sometimes be sports, sometimes cuisines or art. They immediately interfere and open the doors of communication, especially when experts or authorities feel they are in a deadlock.

Lucky us, we have been doing this for 21 years. This reminds me of the motto “Ars longa, vita brevis”. Cited from Hippocrates and translated into Latin, this phrase means “art is long, life is short”. Actually, Hippocrates said these words in the context of medicine, which he considered to be an art, and added: “opportunity fleeting, experiment dangerous, judgement difficult”.

In other words, expertise on a certain topic, craft or art requires a lot of time, effort and endeavor. Compared to this trouble, our life is quite short. Yet, there is another side to the medallion: An art earned by giving your lifetime to it makes you immortal in the end. Isn’t this already the dream of an artist?

When I think about Siemens Opera Contest, I do not see a standardized event that has never changed in 21 years. On the contrary, I see a snowball that grows layer by layer, developed with experience, and gains value with the excitement and enthusiasm of young people. And I thank everyone involved for their contribution.

Let Tchaikovsky say the final words: “Music is indeed the most beautiful of all Heaven’s gifts to humanity wandering in the darkness. Only music can calm, enlighten, and still our souls. Music is a true friend, refuge, and comforter, makes life worth living. Perhaps there will be no music in heaven. Well then, let us give our mortal life to it as long as it lasts.”

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Siemens Turkey nominated for ‘National Champion’ award on sustainability Wed, 22 Feb 2017 14:34:06 +0000 As the original texts are written in Turkish, English translation is provided for non-Turkish readers. The author apologizes in advance for any and all possible changes and losses in meaning due to translation.

We have been proudly contributing to the development of our country with our history of 160 years and in fall 2016 we published our Business to Society report that summarizes such contributions.

And now there is a new opportunity before us to reward the sustainability efforts of Turkey. As Siemens Turkey, by combining our sustainability strategy with our social responsibility initiatives, we made an application to the independent European Business Awards to become a “National Champion”. We completed the first phase of the process with success. Now if you would like to support Siemens Turkey at the public voting held individually in 34 countries, you may cast your vote until 1 March 2017, Wednesday.

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“In Turkey, for Turkey – Business to Society Report” released Fri, 18 Nov 2016 14:23:45 +0000 As the original texts are written in Turkish, English translation is provided for non-Turkish readers. The author apologizes in advance for any and all possible changes and losses in meaning due to translation.

As Siemens, we are celebrating our 160th year in Turkey. Since 1856, we have not only been performing economic activities on these lands, but also contributing to the society in many different aspects.

The constantly-changing international business environment leads us towards a new mindset on growth and success. Companies now should have a vision of growth beyond traditional parameters such as increasing production and acquiring short-term financial revenue. They also need to consider the impact they create on the society and the environment. Our responsibility towards the society we live in is greater than ever.

Parameters that reveal the success of a company change constantly. The success of a business is no longer assessed by looking at its turnover or number of factories. To talk about real success, we need to look at the long-term contribution of a business to the country it operates in. Investors want to see the long-term contribution to make investments as well. Employees also want to see the real social contribution of their corporations to the world, the future, and children in a measurable way and to feel proud about it.

In accordance with this trend, I would like to share with you a project that we, as the Siemens Turkey family, are most excited about. In our 160th year in Turkey, we decided to measure Siemens’ contribution to Turkey’s sustainable development in terms of quality and quantity. Based upon our experience and know-how, we demonstrated the contributions that our operations in Turkey have made to the sustainable development goals and social life of Turkey.

We released the report “Siemens Turkey – Business to Society” in September 2016. I am planning to share some details of the report soon, but for the moment you may reach the PDF version of the report at Download the Business to Society Report! Our report clearly displays how much contribution a company can make to social development. We hope it will act as an example for other companies.

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How does a company reach its 160th year? Mon, 16 Mar 2015 09:33:15 +0000 As the original texts are written in Turkish, English translation is provided for non-Turkish readers. The author apologizes in advance for any and all possible changes and losses in meaning due to translation.

As Siemens, next year we will celebrate our 160th anniversary in Turkey. Such a long history for a company is rare not only on these lands, but also in the world. How does a company reach its 160th year? In other words, how does it manage to serve through generations?

The first answer to this question is trust. Trust and sustainability are actually the basis of success. As you know, the real value of the word “brand” derives from the “promise” it makes. We have always managed to keep the promises of our brand and never failed our customers.

There are other factors as well: Always offering the latest technology and serving with high motivation. These are the most important factors that kept Siemens in Turkey for almost two centuries – from 1856 to today.

And another remarkable factor is “adaptability”. Many things have changed in Turkey in the last 160 years. The regime changed from Empire to the Republic. Generations have changed, names have changed. Our administrative structures have changed. But as Siemens, we were able to adapt to every situation and provide the appropriate services required for the day. This is directly related to being both a global and local company.

Today, there is a wonderful phrase I have been told about our company: “Yes, we know Siemens: It is a Turkish company with German origins.” I am very pleased about this. And we will work hard to make all the factors that create this perception more sustainable. We trust our country.

For further reading:

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Continuous Success Wed, 24 Sep 2014 12:15:39 +0000 As the original texts are written in Turkish, English translation is provided for non-Turkish readers. The author apologizes in advance for any and all possible changes and losses in meaning due to translation.

While thinking about the celebration of the 167th year of our company on October 1, 2014, I considered the most fundamental factors that bring success to a company within the framework of the hot topic of “sustainability”. Yes, a company can fail to catch the future despite its remarkable successes today or it may go bankrupt today despite its bright and high-potential future plans. The secret to the art of entrepreneurship is the balance between the present and the future. The survival of a company must be ensured while performing successful operations today. This is surely not easy at all. It is not within everyone’s means to be able to always play this game in the highest league. The history of many successful companies clearly reveals this fact. Guaranteeing the future is always associated with financial and moral investments. These include investments in new technologies and products, new regional markets and sales channels, as well as investments in securing the customer portfolio, trust, new generations, people, and the environment. The most important factor behind all these investments is the responsibility of the company towards its customers, employees, society, and the environment.
There is no exact solution to guarantee the future of a company in an uncertain future. Strategic planning always includes a rational and an emotional element. The right path is understood later on. However, the costs for good or bad decisions are paid faster today, compared to a few years ago. At strategic decision stages, it is the entrepreneur’s call. He takes decisions deliberately by taking risks, and at the same time by assuming the responsibility of not risking everything. The most important conditions for continuous success are multidimensional thinking, seeing the big picture, and getting good grades. In this context, particularly the interests of all stakeholders should be considered (shareholders, customers, employees, and the environment).
For me, continuous success* is based on five factors:
• Flexibility
• Belief
• Consistency
• Striving
• Reliability

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How German Companies Could Be Successful in Turkey? Tue, 14 Jan 2014 16:13:02 +0000 As the original texts are written in Turkish, English translation is provided for non-Turkish readers. The author apologizes in advance for any and all possible changes and losses in meaning due to translation.

There is a saying in Turkey: “One cup of coffee is worth 40 years of friendship.” In other words, long-term relationships are essential for social life and business. For this, Siemens began operations in Turkey more than 150 years ago. Here, we are considered a Turkish company with German roots.

Since the early beginnings of our activities, Siemens has touched many lives and been a pillar in the development of the Turkish industry. We are among the first companies to bring power to Turkish cities, lights to Ottoman Palaces, and television infrastructure to households. In 1913, Siemens introduced Turkey’s first railway tram. So it is especially meaningful to us that exactly 100 years later, [Remark 1] in 2013, Siemens has delivered the first very-high-speed train to the Turkish government.

Because it bridges West and East, Turkey is an attractive hub for production and services. As the world’s 16th largest economy and a member of the EU Customs Union, Turkey offers many opportunities for German companies. One of Turkey’s greatest assets is its educated and dynamic workforce of 4.5 million young people who embrace the new. A new generation of self-confident businesswomen and businessmen is growing, and they move fluently between the cultures of the East and West. Diversity has many facets other than a young population. One factor that differentiates Turkey is its large population of female engineers, lawyers, and project managers. Cultivating such diverse intellectual capital is essential for success in Turkey.

Awareness of cultural dimensions is crucial when doing business in any country. Although in many other countries we speak the same business language, we learned that speaking the same language does not mean sharing a culture. Turkey has been undergoing a transition of re-inventing itself, trying to find its own path into the future. Although the West provides a crucial benchmark, Turkey’s new generation, in particular, is finding its path to the future by combining the values and cultures of the East and West.

Turks are spontaneous, enthusiastic, and ready to take risks; contemplating strategy comes somewhat later. This might be different from what Germans are used to; however, this gives the Turks an advantage of time and speed in doing business. German companies first think about the strategy risks and then move forward. Not surprisingly, they are sometimes thought to be slower-moving, cautious, and hesitant. To succeed in a country like Turkey, it is crucial to combine strengths, cultures, and values without prejudice.

With three production facilities and 3,000 employees in Turkey, Siemens has contributed to value-added production and R&D and established a service network all over the country. We believe our long-term success depends on understanding Turkey’s business culture and gaining the trust of customers and society there while working hard for sustainability. In addition, this success also depends on believing in ourselves, in what we do, and in being able to think outside the box to reach targets.

Ensuring one’s sustainability in a country also depends on what you give back to its society.  At Siemens, we support the higher education of promising students in Turkish universities. In providing scholarships for students in engineering disciplines, we give priority to female and disabled students. We have established an Arts Exhibition Center in Istanbul to support young artists, and we provide scholarships for young opera artists in Turkey to continue their education in Europe. Just as Siemens has advanced the development of Turkish industry, we are proud to be part of the country’s cultural developments.

As a German company that has enjoyed success in Turkey for 150 years, our recommendation to other German companies is to achieve sustainable business in Turkey. Recently, the Turkish economy has transformed into a more open and liberal economy, and business is becoming less bureaucratic. In a developing economy like Turkey’s, companies must adapt to changes in the business climate on time and with the right actions, which can be achieved by sustainability.

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